Originally posted on Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog:
You know enterprise mobility has gone mainstream when BYOD gets an entry in UrbanDictionary.com. Or has it? According to a survey released this month by CIO magazine, only 56% of organizations globally have made any investments in mobile. A lack of IT resources is to blame – 52% cited budget constraints as their greatest roadblock, while 38% pointed to a lack of qualified staff.
Similarly, a Ponemon Institute survey released in March revealed that half of large enterprises don’t have a mobile security budget. This is a problem: the majority of mobile breaches – 75% by 2016, according to Gartner – are the result of mobile apps that have been misconfigured by users and/or mismanaged by IT managers. Such errors can cause just as much damage to a business as a complex, targeted attack.
Recent news around Greece’s budget crisis and China’s falling stock market might have your CFO…
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